
Iron High Range Photometer Hanna

Rp. 6,700,000
Last Updated
26 Aug 2024
Country Origin
United States
Minimum Order
1 Unit

Features at-a-glance

CAL Check™ - Allows for performance verification and calibration of the meter using NIST traceable standards.

GLP - Review of the last calibration date

Auto-shut off - Automatic shut off after 10 minutes of non-use when the meter is in measurement mode. Prevents wastage of batteries in the event the meter is accidentally not turned off.

Battery status indicator - Indicates the amount of battery life left.

Built in timer - Display of time remaining before a measurement is taken. Ensures that all readings are taken at the appropriate reaction intervals for the test being performed.

Error messages - Messages on display alerting to problems including no cap, high zero, and standard to low.

Cooling lamp indicator - To maintain the desirable wavelength to be used for absorbance it is necessary to ensure component are not overheated from the heat generated by the tungsten lamp. Each photometer is designed to allow a minimal amount of time for components to cool. The cooling lamp indicator is displayed prior to a reading being taken.

Units of measure - Appropriate unit of measure is displayed along with reading.

photometer optical system

Iron is naturally present in water in low concentrations, but it reaches high concentrations in wastewater e±uents. The iron concentration in water needs to be monitored because it becomes harmful above certain levels. In domestic water, for instance, iron can unpleasantly alter the taste, stain laundry, damage kitchenware and favor the growth of certain bacteria. Iron is also an indicator of ongoing corrosion in water cooling and heating systems. Moreover, iron is normally monitored in mining wastewater to avoid contamination

The HI96721 uses an adaptation of USEPA Method 315B (phenanthroline) for natural and treated waters, and Standard Method 3500-Fe B for water and wastewater to measure iron concentrations in the 0.00 to 5.00 mg/L (ppm) range. These methods require a reagent that contains both a reducing and a complexing agent. The reagent converts all but very most resistant forms of iron present in the sample to the ferrous (Fe²⁺) or soluble state. The reagent when added to a sample containing iron will turn the sample an orange hue; the greater the concentration, the deeper the color. The associated color change is then colorimetrically analyzed according to the Beer-Lambert Law. This principle states that light is absorbed by a complementary color, and the emitted radiation is dependent upon concentration. For iron, a narrow band interference filter at 525 nm (green) allows only green light to be detected by the silicon photodetector. As the change in color of the reacted sample increases, absorbance of the specific wavelength of light also increases, while transmittance decreases.

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